Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Fantastic Names From The Past: 1957-1958 Edition

We're back -- with more fantastic names straight out of vintage yearbooks! Today we're looking at some California books o' the year from 1957 and 1958. Out of roughly two thousand students featured within, there are approximately 92 Sandys, 102 Dicks, 59 Judys, and 173 Bobs. How they all managed to discern each other, I'll never know. What I do know is that at least a few parents who birthed babies circa 1939-1941 must have thought, "You know what? Our child is going to have a moniker that means something! And ya know what else? We're going to send our baby to a high school where even the principal has a fantastic name!"

Eaton O. Bemis, thank you for setting the bar so, so high. I hope you were right proud of all your students. But especially these ones....

Clebert Bergeron

Virgil Tollefson

Bertha Barber

Truman Warsham

Aloha Norton

Martha Memmer

Karen Wynekoop

Haroldene Freeman

DeWayne McCormick

Bob Koob

Donna Dangler

Skip Ross 

Geneva Potepan

Davina Mogyorody

Garland Higgins

Joycene Laytart

Myrla Jule

Wanda Schwendt

Walt Slack

 Fayrene Lancaster

Parnell Waslien

Morris Mosby

Jules Canute

Gary Sexy

Gary Goodenough

Sandy Strain

Lyle Zerby

Jereanne Beardsley

Buddy Ay

Georjean Foraker

* * * * *

 My picks for the Top 10 Fantastic Names Of 1957-1958:

10. Pete Pfleger

9. Sunny Dillingham

8. Vic Numbers

7. Ray-Nan Enders

6. Doil Ellington

5. Virlee Stickels

4. Pudgie Baldock

3. Wincie Yeargain

2. Corliss Filbert


1. Dick Elliott Doody

For those of the above still with us, please enjoy your eighties.

* * *

Liked this? You might also enjoy: Fantastic Names From The Past: 1920's Edition!

Friday, July 3, 2020

Lost & Found: 1950's & 60s School Pictures & Snapshots

Lost & Found: 1950s & 60s School Pictures & Snapshots

Today I bring you some photos I found grouped together in the GoodWill Bins a year or two ago.

We begin in 1954.

Meet Bonnie...

Bonnie has many chums, including Janie and Cheryl....

She is also pals with plaid-clad Louise, Patty T, Bobby, Tommy, and Susan Z.

A year later, in 1955, both Cheryl (far right) and Janie (top, right) look barely a day older. Susan (bottom, left) now has glasses. The girls are joined by Kathy (top, left; the first of several Kathys) Karen (bottom, right), and, on the far left, an unnamed little girl.

Below we have Janet, Margaret, and Lynnette... and, on the top right, there's Louise again, who has ditched the plaid and has opted for a stunning cross-cross collar.

As 1956 rolls around, we have photos of Judy, our main girl Bonnie (now with flowers in her hair) and Randy.

Janie is now boasting an epic sweater...

And Karen refuses to age.

In 1957, Louise takes on a more serious expression and Janie tries out a shorter 'do.

Diane enters the mix in this undated photo...

As does Bill...

In 1958 Janie rocks some fantastic bangs....

1959 is officially here, and our girl Bonnie appears to have many friends: (Clockwise from the top left): Carol, Steve Robinson, Sandy Glick, Cindy Jones, and two unnamed fellas.

(Clockwise from the top left) Kathy, Barb Ruth, Karen Olson, Doug, Mary, Sharon Erickson, Pam Rickinson, and Kathy.

Below, on the left, a new person enters our saga, name unknown. On the right, Kathy has a few things to say to her friend Bonnie in 1960...

Here's Bonnie again, I assume the same Bonnie as before....

This one might read Love, Barb '59, but it could be another B-name.

Below, "Roger" puts his name in "quotes." 

Joan, wearer of fine pearls, does not.

Next we have a series of snapshots. Several feature a pair of toddlers named Pam and Pat, from 1957....

Grandma, Gary and Steven join in the fun, while one of the P-twins samples some grub...

Another pair of alliteratively-named toddlers, Debbie and David, appear, along with "Dad"...

A different Janet smiles brightly, and poses with a boy named Ronnie...

Below, Jean and Bill (whoever they are!) get hitched, and Steven, Grandma, Helen, Pam & Pat, and Dorothy hang out in a meadow...

Two handsome fellas, one named Bill....

This might be our girl Bonnie...

A couple of random kids...

This next group of color photos appear to be taken mostly at school.

On the back it reads: Pat Rooney, Gary S., 8th Grade

On the back: Rita Gaertner, Diane Mauer, 8th grade

On the back: Class, 8th Grade, 1958-1959

On the back: Mr. Morton (Social Studies), Glenn Nord, 8th Grade, 1958-1959

On the back: Barb Dahlstrom, 8th grade

And then there's this random picture of a baby. On the back it reads: Kathy Lesmeister, February 1959.

Up next we have a series of photos taken in what looks like someone's basement. Strangely, none of these ladies seem to appear in any of the other pictures.

Ah, the wacky adventures of Rouxann, Pat, Paula, and Sue!

But back to our girl Bonnie and her friend Kathy (not sure which Kathy anymore; there are so many!)

Check out those fabulous hats!

In this photo, Kathy wears a "Kathy" hat and the stuffed dog dons a "Bonnie" hat.

And then Bonnie wears the "Bonnie" hat, while the dog gets the "Kathy" hat. 

What does it all mean? We may never know.

* * *

Starring: Bonnie Osterman, Kathy/Kathleen, Margaret, Lynnette B, Karen Eystad, Susan, Louise L, Janet Kieffer, Judy U, Randy K, Patty T, Bobby, Tommy, Susan Z., Rita Gaertner, Diane Mauer, Pat Rooney, Gary S., Pam and Pat, Roxann/Rouxann, Grandma, Gary, Steven, Debbie, David, Dad, Ronnie, Janet, Dianne, Pam Rickinson, Sharon Erickson, Joan, Mr. Morton, Glenn Nord, Roger, Karen Olson, Kathy Lesmeister, Barb Ruth, Mary, Doug, Cheryl, Carol, Steve Robinson, Sandy Glick, Cindy Jones, Kathy, and Jean and Bill.