Sunday, October 9, 2022

Fantastic Names From The Past: Early 1960s Edition

We're back with even more fantastic names -- straight out of yearbooks of old! 

Well, semi-old. These yearbooks are from 1961-1964, so many of these people could still be alive and kicking.

Although maybe just with slightly less pep nowadays.

Born between 1942 and 1948, these former teens mainly bore the names popular in their time -- Gene, Barbara, Jack, Rick, Jim, Sherry, Carl, Sue, Peggy, Gordon, et al.

But some of them had parents who had a more artistic sense -- and/or a sense of humor.

Let's give a shout out to those kids... the ones with these fantastic names.

Clyde Fry

Adeana Poff

LaVonne Gasatis

Arleen Klingsporn

Cliff Cofer

Paul Petrequin

Sigurd Gustafson

Valene Jansik

Kip Nagely

Pat Paist

Norman Pekkola

LaRue Poisel

Merlin Buser

Dick Weidenkeller

Laraine Latourette

Paulette DeShores

Dean Popp

Joe Shade

Challys Estabrook

Clydenia Starr

Les Leatherberry

Otto Witte

Kirk Skyles

Jerri Quantiance

Penny Miner

Twilla Kittelson

Bill Wriglesworth

Dinah Irish

Connie Pommerening

Durwood McDowell

And now...

My Top 10 Fantastic Names Of 1961-1964

10. Charity Lionberger

9. Rusty Rico

8. Marjorie McQuowen

7. Genelle Groat

6. Anita Hart

5. JoDee Liberty

4. Treasure Sullivan

3. Lila Zalonia

2. Peggy Pickelsimer


1. Yvonna Zirkle